Lee Ann Womack Teaches Us to Dance to the Doors

Inspiring quote series #4 from https://personalexcellence.co/blog/101-most-inspiring-quotes-of-all-time/.

by Laura Berger


Around the time we were about to take our Life Leap, I was listening to the radio in the car with my mother, and �I Hope You Dance� by Lee Ann Womack came on the radio.  My mother turned to me and said, �This song reminds me of you.� Obviously, I was about to take some pretty big steps in life.  She knew things would never be the same.  She wanted the best for me.

Since then, I have listened to that song with fondness and wonder.  The lyrics of the song are incredible and one line in particular has really resonated with me since that day:  ï¿½Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens.�  This is what we want for you and what any right-minded individual would want for themselves.

I chose to close some pretty major doors to go to Costa Rica�somewhat to my friends and family, to the first home that I bought myself and was so proud of, and to my job which was more my identity than I ever thought.  But we need to close these doors to make room to take a Life Leap, and for us it has been so fulfilling.  We work from home now and have all the flexibility in the world.  We were just approached by major people in the motion picture industry to possibly turn Aw, Chuck It! (currently in editing) into a movie.  None of this would have happened had I not closed those doors.

So we encourage you to watch the video above and follow the instructions in the attached short document to build upon what you did last week.  You can find time for your Life Leap.  Next week, we�ll tell show you how to get started with your Life Leap.

There�s a party on the other side, and we look forward to seeing you there!

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Click here for this week�s template -> Life-Leaps-Program-Time-Finder-Template-Summary

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