Could Four French Fries Be the Key to Taking Your Life Leap?

Inspiring quote series #5 from


What happens when you search and search for time, and you can’t find enough to fathom taking a big step toward whatever it is that makes you just plain salivate?  Are you itching, but you just can’t seem to move?  Well, maybe your life change isn’t as big as you think!

Whether you need to or not, I want you to think of what it would take to lose 20 pounds in a year.  Are you thinking about gyms and personal trainers and food that tastes like spackling paste?  How about giving up four French Fries a day?

Courtesy of Michael Bennett, the average fast food French fry has 5 calories in it.  Four French fries is 20 calories.  A pound of human fat has 3,500 calories in it.  All things being equal, you could lose 20 pounds in 350 days by eliminating 4 French fries every day and never see a gym!  Seem achievable now?

This type of thinking applies to anything you want to do.  Take your greatest aspiration.  Now think to yourself, “if I snapped my fingers and magically woke up tomorrow morning with 10% of it complete, what would I have finished?”  Write those things down.

Now consider, for instance, that you have a Life Leap that you want to take and be done with your transition within a year.  Divide one year by 12 months, and you’ll see each month is 8% of the year.  You would have to do even less than that list that you wrote down in a month!

Sometimes we need to trick our minds, but are we really?  There’s no illusion in what we put above.  It’s all completely true and computes perfectly.  Think about it!

You can read more about shrinking the change in the awesome book, Switch:  How to Change Things When Change Is Hard.  

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

Could Four French Fries Be the Key to Taking Your Life Leap?

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