Awesome Nike #makeitcount Video: And the Ways Travel Could Change Your Life

by Laura Berger & Glen Tibaldeo

Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.  ~Seneca

Glen got the guts to ask his first love out on a date while in Italy.  On the flip-side, he got the clarity to realize that he shouldn’t be with someone else he was going to marry laying on a beach in Cyprus.  He was sitting on a rock in the middle of a river in Costa Rica, and it hit him–we could live here!

Laura’s family’s travellust gave her the conviction to do what few teenagers on the Hawaiian islands do–leave the island for college–which led her to study in Rome for a year, which led her on weekend train trips to all (and I do mean all) of Europe, which led her sister to do the same, which led her sister to go on the Semester Around the World program.

Can you imagine having lived–not only traveled but lived–in the midst of an around-the-world trip by the time you graduated college?  Finally, going to Hawaii several times as a couple instilled in us the unshakable desire to snowbird early in our lives and create mobile professional lifestyles to support that.

There’s something about travel.  Instead of reaching mindlessly for the fridge to chew on that same bagel every morning, you look in the guidebook or ask the hotel bellman where to get the best croissant and cappuccino–and you taste every crumb and every drop.  You notice every nook and cranny in your path.  You soak in every sight, every conversation, and even the weather like a sponge.  And most importantly, you constantly ask yourself, “What should I do next?”

And there it is.  That all important Question.  The more travel we do, the more we ask it, and the more answers come to us.  If you want to know what Life Leaps are hiding in your head, take a trip.  And don’t hire someone to guide you or else you won’t ask the Question.

Do you have a blessed path-altering decision that happened while you were travelling?

There’s a party on the other side, and we look forward to seeing you there.

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